Commercial Leases

We can advise you on matters relating to your commercial lease. If you are considering entering into a lease, we can advise you on the implications and areas for negotiation.

Matters relating to an existing lease, such as renewal, can also be advised on. Or, if you own commercial premises, we can advise you on dealing with your tenants.

Entering into a Commercial Lease

It is important to understand that landlords do not have to follow a particular template when drafting the lease and we will advise on all aspects of the lease including such matters as intended use, service charge provisions, break clauses, repairing obligations and alienation provisions. Understanding the lease’s terms is imperative to ensure you know what you are signing.

We can draft all types of tenancy agreements including leases, licences and tenancies at will.  We will give advice on the agreement you are proposing to sign. Awareness of your rights and obligations will assist in avoiding disputes during the course of the lease.

Lease Renewals

Many types of tenancy agreements have a statutory right of renewal under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. We can advise landlords and tenants on the relevant renewal process which can be initiated by either landlord or tenant.

In most circumstances, terms for a new lease can be negotiated between the landlord and tenant and, if so, we will then be able to advise on the drafting of the new lease.  When it is not possible to negotiate the terms, our property litigation department is able to assist in the court process provided for under statute.

Our team of highly experienced solicitors can assist you in renewing a lease, whether you are a tenant or landlord, in ensuring the correct steps are followed and where necessary work with surveyors in negotiating new lease terms.

To discuss the legalities surrounding commercial leases further, please call our commercial property team on 020 8290 0333 or send us an email here.



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