Dispute Resolution

We appreciate that disputes are both unwelcome and unsettling and when faced with a dispute that clients would like clear advice about where they stand, what can be done and how much it will cost.

A Complete Service

Our specialist solicitors have the experience and knowledge to assist with all types of disputes, including:

We ensure that at the outset we address these questions with you and set out our advice in a clear and comprehensive manner. We will guide and support you throughout the dispute whether negotiation or court proceedings.

If you are faced with a dispute and are understandably concerned about what this means for you and how much it will cost to take advice, please call us, and we will provide a free initial assessment of the issues, the cost and how we can help. Please call us on 0208 290 0333 or email info@judge-priestley.co.uk if you would like to discuss a dispute with one of our specialist solicitors

Our Approach

At the outset we will take time to understand your concerns and to explain to you the legal issues involved in your dispute. We will provide clear advice on the merits of the case and will set out clearly the costs that will be involved in resolving the dispute.

Our solicitors understand that resolving disputes can be stressful and we take time to ensure that you understand the issues, the process, the timetable and the likely costs so that as far as possible you feel that you can manage the dispute to a satisfactory outcome.

We are experienced in resolving disputes and advising clients about the most appropriate forum in which to do so. There is often an advantage in exploring alternatives to court proceedings wherever possible but if a court claim becomes the only means to resolve a dispute, you can be confident that our team will guide you through the process and  ensure your best interests are protected.

It is nearly always the case that it is better to try and resolve disputes at the earliest stage possible. We support clients in making an early assessment of a dispute and where necessary will work with relevant experts (e.g. surveyors), when required, in order to provide a comprehensive, and effective service

To find out more about our dispute resolution services, please click on the above links or phone us on 020 8290 0333 to make an appointment with one of our commercial team.


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