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Judge & Priestley have raised an impressive £25,600 for the Will Aid charities to date
Judge & Priestley Solicitors, of West Street, Bromley, have proved that where there is a Will, there is definitely a way, by raising almost £6,000 for charity during November 2014’s Will Aid campaign. Will Aid clients were offered a basic Will and asked to consider making a voluntary donation instead of paying the firm’s usual fees. Local will-makers responded with enthusiasm and gave generously.
The money raised is shared by 9 UK charities, including ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF in Scotland, Sightsavers and Trocaire in Northern Ireland. The funds raised are already being put to work by the Will Aid charities.
The firm has participated in 3 Will Aid campaigns to date and has raised an impressive grand total of over £25,600 for the Will Aid charities.
Christian Aid’s Dave Pollendine, who visited the firm to thank the staff involved and to present their Will Aid certificate, said:
“As one of the charities to benefit from Will Aid, I would like to say that Christian Aid really appreciates Judge & Priestley’s support. The campaign is very important to us, as not only do we receive a significant amount in donations, but the campaign also provides an opportunity for people to leave Christian Aid a legacy. Legacy gifts are crucial in enabling our work to eradicate poverty and change the systems and structures which cause it. Legacies of all sizes are incredibly valuable to Christian Aid – last year our income from legacies could have more than paid for all our work in Latin America and the Caribbean.”
Judge & Priestley’s Partner, David Chandra, commented on the success of the campaign:
“Making a Will is an opportunity to set out what you want to happen after you are gone. Having a properly made Will helps to avoid any problems arising after your death. Making a Will with Will Aid is a great way to guarantee your peace of mind while also supporting good causes.”
Will Aid Campaign Manager,Shirley Marsland, said:
“The Will Aid charities are so grateful for the hard work of the team at Judge & Priestley. This has been a very successful campaign and overall we have already received over £1.6 million and, with donations still being received, we expect the final total to be nearer £2 million. The Will Aid charities will be able to put the money raised to immediate useto make a real and immediate difference to the lives of the people in need in the UK and all over the world.”