Legal aid changes family courts

Thowheetha Shaah, a Partner at Judge & Priestley, spoke on Croydon Radio in July about how the cuts to Legal Aid have affected family law.

Along with three senior lawyers from other law firms, Thowheetha discussed how the cuts to Legal Aid, which came into force earlier this year, have made it harder for some people to access the family law system.

Thowheetha is a family lawyer and an accredited Specialist Member of Resolution, a Member of the Law Society Family Law Panel, a Member of the Family Mediation Association and a member of the UK College of Mediators. Thowheetha also spoke about how mediation should be mandatory and is a viable option to reduce legal fees and individuals stress and anxiety when going through the courts.

To listen to the interview on Croydon Radio click on the link below:

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Changes in Legal Aid and Family Law


For further information please contact Thowheetha Shaah on 020 8290 7331 or email

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