Grateful Will Aid charities thank Judge & Priestley Solicitors

Liz Pearman of Save the Children, representing all nine Will Aid charities, paid a special visit to Judge & Priestley Solicitors of Bromley to thank the staff for their fantastic contribution to Will Aid and to present them with a Will Aid certificate.

She explained the importance of the team’s hard work to Save the Children:

“Judge & Priestley has raised an amazing amount of money for the Will Aid charities, including Save the Children and I would like to thank them on behalf of the millions of children whose lives will be helped both overseas and here in the UK, thanks to their work. Judge & Priestley’s commitment to Will Aid will give some the world’s poorest children a chance of a brighter, happier future.”

The firm raised more than £8,298.75 by writing around 90 Wills for local clients as part of November 2012’s Will Aid campaign. Will Aid clients were offered a basic Will and asked to make a donation instead of paying the firm’s usual fees. Nationwide, it is anticipated that the final total raised will be around £2.1 million. The money raised is shared by ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF, Sightsavers and Trocaire.

Judge & Priestley has participated in previous Will Aid campaigns and has raised more than £9,800 to date. This amazing sum has made a real and lasting difference to the lives of those people in the UK and all over the world helped by the Will Aid charities.

David Chandra, Partner and Head of Private Client Department, commented on the firm’s success:

‘We are thrilled to have been part of Will Aid, and to have contributed to the variety of charities.  We were overwhelmed with the response and the team worked hard to complete the Wills.  As a firm our commitment to charities is very important to us and we look forward to participating again.’

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