Private Client Articles

Inadequate online wills could lead to surge in family disputes

The increasing use of unregulated online will writing services could lead to a surge in family disputes over a loved one’s estate, researchers have warned. Online services have become more popular over the last few years, particularly during the Covid...

Tribunal 'wrong to reject menopausal symptoms as a disability'

An employment tribunal had been wrong to hold that an employee's alleged menopausal symptoms did not amount to a disability for the purposes of a discrimination claim. That was the ruling of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in a case involving...

Judge's decision to limit mother's allegations of domestic abuse set aside

The High Court has ruled that a judge's decision to limit a mother’s allegations of domestic abuse in a children act case was wrong and should be set aside, saying that "The allegations beyond those in the Scott Schedule were not either...

Court settles brothers' dispute over administering mother's will

A man has been removed as an executor of his mother’s will after his brother complained that he was obstructing the administration of the estate. The case involved three brothers; two of them were executors of her will. Following several years of...

What is the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on existing financial orders?

What is a Barder event? Named after a tragic case in 1987, a Barder event is an event that is unforeseen or unforeseeable which fundamentally undermines the basis upon which a concluded financial order was made. In the case of Barder v Barder , the...

Court interprets woman's will to enable all her children to inherit

The High Court has reconciled contradictory instructions relating to a deceased woman’s estate so that all three of her children can receive an equal inheritance. The court made the ruling after the trustees of a settlement applied for an...

Divorcing husband wins appeal against costs order favouring wife

A husband has won his appeal against a costs order in favour of his wife during divorce proceedings. The couple had been married in 2007 and had one child. Their marriage ended in 2017 following two incidents of violence by the husband. He was acquitted in...

EU Succession Regulation: Making a Will with foreign assets. Does your Will include foreign assets?

  What is the EU Succession Regulation? The laws which deal with a person’s assets when they pass away differ from country to country. For example, some civil law jurisdictions, such as France, have specific laws that reserve a proportion of...

Tesco staff couldn't believe 6ft man was intimidated by pregnant boss

A supermarket assistant was discriminated against when managers didn’t believe he could be intimidated by a 5ft 4in woman. The case involved Mr T King, who is 6ft tall, and his Tesco line manager, known as JF, who was five months pregnant at the time....

How do you apply for Probate in France?

This guide aims to give an overview of the process involving the administration of an estate in France. The administration of a French estate compromises three main stages. In all cases, any French inheritance tax due must be paid within 6 months of the...
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