Private Client Articles

Can I move country with my child?

Upon separation, it may be one parent’s intention to relocate to another country, relocate within the UK. However, this will not be an easy task when the other parent is being left behind and there is a possibility, they will not be seeing their child...

Protecting Your Future - Marriage or Cohabitation

When you make that ultimate decision as to whether you and your partner are going to get married or cohabit, it is very important to consider the financial aspect of your relationship. This is without doubt one of the most important considerations you will...

A crackdown on forced marriages: raising the minimum age

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 received royal assent on 28 April 2022 which raised the legal minimum age for people to marry, or enter into a civil partnership, to 18 years of age in England and Wales in a move to prevent forced...

P v Q [2022] - The treatment of loans to and from family members in financial remedy proceedings

Background This case concerned W (aged 48) and H (aged 45). They began cohabiting in 2005 and married in 2006. The parties had two children (aged 10 and 11). The total asset pot was circa £6million. Notable assets in the marriage included the...

Writing on back of envelope not enough to alter woman's will

A court has ruled that informal writing on the back of an envelope was not enough to challenge the terms of a woman’s will.  The woman had made will in 2012 with the help of her solicitor.  After her death in 2019 at the age of 93, some...

Irish worker was racially harassed when boss mocked his accent

The Employment Tribunal has ruled that an Irishman was racially harassed and victimised when his bossed danced "like a leprechaun" in front of him and mocked his accent.  The case involved Jonathan Kelly, who worked in the warehouse at the...

No-Fault Divorce is finally here

The long-awaited reform to Family Law is finally here with the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, coming into force as of today, 6 April 2022. This is the biggest reform of divorce law in 50 years and aims to provide a more collaborative approach...

No Fault Divorce: The 5 Key Questions Answered

  How is a no-fault divorce different to the previous law? A spouse wishing to divorce prior to the law change on 6 April 2022 had to prove that the marriage had irretrievably broken down by relying upon 1 of 5 facts. These facts were (1) the other...

Lump Sum Orders: a series of lump sum orders - V- a lump sum order payable by instalments

  What is a lump sum order? Quite simply, a lump sum order is an order for one party to pay another party a lump sum of money. These orders can be made upon finalisation of divorce, nullity and judicial separation and generally cannot be varied or...

'Unwanted' son claims share of late father's estate from niece

The son of a car and property magnate has successfully sued his niece to gain a share of his late father’s estate and avoid becoming homeless.  Colin Johnston was the son of Sidney Johnston, who died in 2017 leaving a £2.4 million estate to...
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