How one lawyer could represent both parties during divorce

A new approach to divorce proceedings in which one lawyer represents both husband and wife has been given the backing of Resolution.

The group is launching a new model that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice through a divorce or separation. 

Resolution is a national association formed by over 6000 family lawyers who promote a non-confrontational approach to family issues to produce better outcomes for separating families and their children.

The new model, known as Resolution Together, comes after the implementation of the Divorce, Dissolution, and Separation Act, which allowed couples, for the first time, to make joint applications to end a marriage collectively, without the need of blaming either party. 

As a result, Resolution has been able to develop a new approach to serve separating couples which reflects the change in legislation and the desire to reduce unnecessary conflict between individuals to the benefit of all those involved. 

It will work by allowing a single legal professional to provide advice to a separating couple who want to manage their separation together. It is suitable for those whose joint aim is to reach an outcome together which meets their needs and if they are parents, the needs of their children. 

Resolution is liaising with the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) to ensure Resolution Together is operating within current regulations, and to provide as much support and reassurance for members as possible. 

Juliet Harvey, National Chair of Resolution, said: “Increasingly, clients are expecting, or in some cases demanding, new approaches that we haven’t been able to offer in the past.

“With the introduction of no-fault divorce and, for the first time, the opportunity to make a joint application that came with it, demand for this type of approach is only going to increase. Indeed, many firms are already providing, or looking to provide, this approach.”

Written by : Claudia Stachini (Solicitor)

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