Property, Leasehold and Housing

Research shows why pay rates for mothers are less than for men

Women dent their promotion chances when they become mothers and that affects their future earning power, according to new research. Time spent on maternity leave and reducing hours once they return to work means they gain less experience, which also holds...

Does the appointment of a right to manage company prevent a landlord from carrying out development works?

In this article we provide you with an update regarding the case of Francia Properties Ltd v Aristos Aristou and 8 Ors (2016), the first case in which a Court has had to consider whether the appointment of a right to manage company prevents a landlord from...

The Upper Tribunal gives guidance on the application of ss.20, 20ZA, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985

The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has given guidance on the proper application of ss.20, 20ZA, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, in the recent matter of various Leaseholders of Foundling Court and O’Donnell Court, Brunswick Centre, London v (1) Camden...

UK House Price Index shows widely varying performance in the run up to the EU referendum

The Land Registry has published the latest national updates to the UK House Price Index covering the month of June 2016. The run up to and the aftermath of the EU referendum vote on 23 rd June saw price growth in London slow dramatically, with the average...

Breach of User Clause Decision

The case of Roundlistic Ltd v Jones and another [2016] UKUT 325 (TCC) is a recent breach of user clause decision that you may find interesting.    The case involved a maisonette and a covenant prohibiting the tenant from using the...

Landlord limited company rush picks up pace

A large number of landlords have already changed the management vehicle for their property portfolios to a limited company, in response to the reduced mortgage tax relief available to individual landlords due to be phased in from 2017 to 2020. Data recently...

House prices in the UK rose by more than 8 percent over the last year

House prices across the UK rose by 8.1% in the year to May, bringing the value of an average property to £211,230. On a monthly basis, prices rose by an average 1.1% between April and May. Looking at England alone, there was an annual price increase...

Tenant loses appeal over possession order and her human rights

A private sector tenant has lost her appeal against a possession order that she claimed infringed her human rights. The tenant was in her mid-forties and had suffered since childhood from a personality disorder and psychotic symptoms. She had lost two...

Supreme Court Rules on Edwards v Kumarasamy

Leaseholder Landlords will breathe a sigh of relief as the Supreme Court has overturned the previous COA decision in the case of EDWARDS v KUMARASAMY (2016) . This case concerns a landlord’s repairing obligations of the common parts of the...

The sterling effect on commercial property will foreign investors rush in?

Sterling teetered through the first few days of the new Brexit environment and, although stock markets are eventually showing some resilience, currency values are still a national obsession. In the run up to the referendum we saw significant press coverage...
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