Commercial Client Articles

Protesters fail to stop listed buildings being converted to homes

Protesters from a local community group have failed to prevent the development of several listed buildings in a conservation area. The proposed development was for 93 houses and associated facilities at the site of a former school, containing several Grade...

Tenants win enfranchisement appeal over freehold of flats

A group of tenants have won their appeal to exercise the right of collective enfranchisement and acquire the freehold of their flats. The properties were owned by Grosvenor (Mayfair) Estate and held on a long lease by K Group Holdings Inc (2019). The issue...

Minority shareholder stops company issuing new shares

A minority shareholder has been granted an interim injunction preventing a company from issuing new shares and loan notes. The applicant in the case had a minority shareholding in Brickvest Ltd (2019). There was a shareholders' agreement specifying...

Ryanair discriminated against flight attendant over brain tumour

The Employment Tribunal has ruled that the airline Ryanair discriminated against a flight attendant when she returned to work after being diagnosed with a brain tumour. Margita Dworak had worked for Ryanair from 2004-2018 and was a senior flight attendant...

Family of directors banned for putting themselves ahead of creditors

A family of directors have been banned from running a company for a total of 19 years after they were found to have benefited themselves over the interests of their creditors. Husband and wife, John Joseph Power (65) and Helen Catherine Power (66), were...

Landlords call for new housing court to speed up justice

The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) is calling for a new housing court to speed up justice for landlords and tenants. The association says that under Civil Procedure Rules, repossession claims should only take about nine weeks, but official figures...

Mulberry wins confidentiality agreement dispute with employee

The fashion house Mulberry has successfully defended a discrimination claim from a former employee who was dismissed after refusing to sign a confidentiality agreement. The case involved designer Anna Gray, who had access to some of Mulberry’s designs...

Developer must pay back shareholder loan before refinancing

A property developer has been prevented from refinancing a building project until it pays back a loan to a minority shareholder. The developer had been working on a site with 102 flats. The project was funded by a £1.7m loan from another company and a...

Sports agent loses commission claim against Formula One team

A marketing company that specialises in introducing sponsors to sports teams has lost a commission claim against a Formula One racing team. The case involved Sports Mantra India Private Ltd and Force India Formula One Team Ltd (in liquidation, 2019). The...

Tenants facing eviction to get enhanced legal support

Tenants threatened with eviction are set to receive enhanced legal support under new measures proposed by the government. The Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme (HPCDS) offers free ‘on-the-day’ legal advice to anyone in danger of being evicted...
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